Bike7 Clean 1lt

Bike7 Clean 1lt

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Cleaning your bike after every ride can seem like a tedious task. But with the right products you can do it in no time and you can even enjoy cleaning your bike. After all, good maintenance is essential to keep it in optimal condition. Clean has been specially developed to make it as easy as possible for you. You will immediately notice the difference!

  • Quick and thorough cleaning of handlebars, frame, fork, clipless pedals, wheels, etc.
  • Removing dried dirt, sweat, sand, dust, etc. from stainless steel, aluminum, titanium, paint, rubber, carbon, ... .
  1. Lubricate all moving parts with Lubricate to optimally maintain your bicycle.
  2. Use a regular garden hose for best results. A high-pressure cleaner is not necessary.

Brand: Bike7

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