CyclOn Nano Bike Coating Set

CyclOn Nano Bike Coating Set

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CyclOn Nano Bike Coating Set

CyclOn Nano Bike Coating has a UV-blocking effect and high protection against scratches and paintwork wear. Suitable for matt and gloss finishes, aluminium, carbon and plastic. When cleaning your mountain bike, preferably use CyclOn cleaning products so that the coating is not affected.

This advanced CyclOn Nano Bike Coating has been specially developed to protect mountain bikes from the harsh conditions in which they are used. It offers a number of benefits that every mountain biker will appreciate:

Longer life of your mountain bike: The coating creates an invisible barrier that prevents water, mud, dirt and other contaminants from adhering to the frame, wheels and other components of your mountain bike. This keeps your bike in top condition for longer and makes it last longer.

Improved performance: A clean and dry mountain bike performs better. The coating reduces friction and resistance, making it easier to ride over rough terrain and increase your speed.

Easier maintenance: Thanks to the coating's water-repellent properties, cleaning your mountain bike is a piece of cake. Dirt and mud glide effortlessly off the surface, meaning you spend less time cleaning and more time exploring the trails.

Maintaining aesthetics: Your mountain bike will always look fresh and attractive, even after intensive rides. The coating protects the paint and frame from stains and damage.


Step 01
Clean your bike thoroughly by removing all dirt and mud. Use CyclOn Bike Cleaner, rinse the bike well and dry it well with a clean cloth.

Step 02
Spray the CyclOn Nano Bike Coating evenly over the frame, wheels and other components of your bike. Make sure you cover all surfaces.

Step 03
Rub out the coating with the cloth provided. After 15 minutes, the coating will be dry. After this, your bike will be protected by a dirt- and water-repellent layer for 6 to 9 months.


Brand: Cyclon

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