Muc-Off Ludicrous AF

Muc-Off Ludicrous AF

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Muc-Off Ludicrous AF

Muc-Off's Ludicrous AF is the chain oil you need if you go for the ultimate. Of course, Muc-Off's range of lubricants already contains a number of fantastic products, but none of them do what Ludicrous AF can. You have the best possible coverage under all circumstances. In wet conditions this is 500 kilometers before you have to drip again, and in dry conditions you can drive more than 1000 kilometers with good coverage.

Ludicrous AF is suitable for both racing bikes and other disciplines and is of course biodegradable. Not only does it provide the best possible coverage and last the longest, it also loses the least number of watts of all lubricants on the market. In short, you win over competitors just by smearing this on your chain.

Do you want to get the most out of your performance? Then you absolutely cannot ignore Lucidcrous AF. It is not without reason that teams such as Ineos and Education First are already using Ludicrous AF in 2021. Now you have the chance to cycle around with the same winning chain oil.

Brand: Muc-Off

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